Are you looking for a new approach to your school store in the new year? Check out these ten great tips for running a school store.
- Get students involved! Reward students by allowing them to help in the school store, or reward good grades with a free item from the store. Kids will bring fun and energy to your school store.
- Cover the basics. Make sure you always have plenty of traditional items like pencils, erasers, and notebooks in stock, as there’s never any shortage of demand for these items.
- Get creative! Get some fun novelty items that will get kids excited for learning, such as character pens or scented erasers.
- Run the store like a business. Take inventory, and make sure you have sustainable margins.
- Advertise! Post signs around school and advertise special deals on the morning announcements.
- Consult teachers on purchasing decisions, they’ll known what their students are interested in.
- Decorate the store to create a fun atmosphere that both students and faculty will enjoy.
- Open before classes start and close after classes let out so students have time to stop by before and after school to browse.
- Consult Geddes! We’ve been in the school store business for a long time and have lots of resources that will help you make your school store a success.
- Have fun!