5 School Supplies To Buy In Bulk For Your Teacher

Teachers go above and beyond for their students every single day. One example of this in action is the many teachers who spend their own money to ensure that their students have the supplies they need to learn. Buying bulk school supplies for your child’s school or classroom is a simple way to ease the burden on teachers, but what school supplies do teachers need most? Here are five ideas.


It might be hard to believe, but pencils are the most-needed item cited in a survey of 250 teachers in Teaching Made Practical. While most students start the school year with pencils, their supplies can dwindle as the weeks and months pass, which means teachers need to be able to supply them. Because pencils are an essential in every classroom, GEDDES offers a variety of them in our bulk school supplies section. We also sell mechanical pencil refills in bulk, which can be useful to keep on hand for students who prefer those types of pencils and don’t have their own lead refills.

Dry Erase Markers

Teachers use dry erase markers for instruction, with many preferring them to chalk and blackboards, but they’re also commonly used by elementary students for math, writing, spelling, and other subjects. Many students either don’t purchase their own dry erase markers at the beginning of the school year, or they only have one or two, which easily get lost. If your child’s classroom uses dry erase boards, their teacher will appreciate you buying some markers in bulk for the class supply!

Markers, Crayons, and Colored Pencils

This is another supply that most kids have at the beginning of the school year, but it’s rare for them to have all 24 colors in a pack of crayons or not run out of ink in their black marker by the time June rolls around! Teachers keep a stash of art supplies on hand for whenever a student needs to borrow some, but they tend to disappear fast so a bulk supply of these materials will come in handy for any classroom. GEDDES sells affordable markers and colored pencils in bulk so you can help your child’s school stock up without breaking the bank.

Loose-Leaf Paper

According to the Teaching Made Practical survey referenced above, teachers need paper in all forms—notebook paper, copy paper, and more. The pack of loose-leaf paper kids bring with them in August can be used up quickly, especially by older students who do a lot of writing. Teachers often buy their own bulk paper supplies to keep on hand in their classrooms for students who run out of loose-leaf paper and don’t remember to ask their parents to get them more.


Yes, every school supply list includes a box of tissues, but a classroom of 30-or-so children will go through them quickly, especially once cold season hits. When the boxes brought by students have been used up, teachers must supply their own boxes of tissues for their classrooms. Do your child’s teacher a favor and buy a big bulk package of tissues at the beginning of the school year rather than a single box. They’ll be grateful for your thoughtfulness!

Find More School Supplies to Buy in Bulk

GEDDES has a wide range of affordable bulk school supplies to keep your child’s classroom well-stocked all year long. Browse our website to see our full selection, request our catalog today, or contact us to learn more.