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Tina Elyea is a volunteer coordinator at Kiewit Middle School where she oversees the school store. She shared some information about her school’s awesome school store.
How does your school store work?
We exchange “legal” tender for items in the school store. Our store is tied to positive behavior in the building. We use PBiS - Positive Behavior interventions and supports.
When a teacher "catches" a student being good, the student is given a "Colt Cash" dollar. They can then use these for items in the store.
Our store is open every Friday morning before school and again during all the lunch periods on Friday.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to start a school store?
Keep it simple at first. Start small, and ask the students for help when ordering. I am pretty good at determining what will go well, but I have made errors. I find if I go to one of the classrooms with the GEDDES catalog and ask three or four students for advice, everything goes sells better.