What School Supplies Do Kindergarteners Need?

Ready to start an exciting school year and need to know what school supplies kindergartners need? You’re not alone! Parents everywhere are getting ready for back-to-school season, shopping for school supplies and back-to-school clothes, and the parents of kindergarteners are no different!

Kindergarten is an exciting time for children and parents alike. It marks the “official” beginning of a child’s formal education, and starting kids off with the best school supplies is an opportunity to set a child up for success. But for many parents, this is all new. Even if the child went to daycare and/or preschool, kindergarten school supplies are more formalized than what many parents are used to, so they don’t know where to begin.

Here’s what parents should expect when shopping for school supplies for their kindergarten students.


Kindergarten School Supplies Lists

Though every school is different, and different kindergarten teachers may craft their own curriculum and require unique school supplies of their own, there are a few common school supplies that make almost every kindergarten school teacher’s list. Your school or your kindergartener’s teacher will likely provide a school supplies list on the school’s website or via email. Be sure to check to see if your child’s upcoming kindergarten teacher has communicated with you regarding his or her own school supplies list.

Keep in mind that kindergarten truly does represent “the formative years” of your child’s education. So school supplies for kindergarteners will cover a wide range of learning modalities, and will be aligned with your child’s learning curriculum. If you’re shopping early, before the school has issued their required school supply list for the upcoming school year, consider this “the basics”:

  • A backpack or book bag

  • Crayons

  • Pencils or pens

  • Highlighters

  • Erasers

  • Washable magic markers or Dry Erase markers

  • Glue, glue sticks and paste

  • Pencil bags and/or a school supply sorting box

  • Scissors

  • A composition notebook or looseleaf paper

  • Folders and binders

Your kindergarten instructor may also recommend — but not require — various school supplies and materials that will help support the student’s learning and overall school experience in their first year in a new environment. Schools often recommend (or require) that parents add things like facial tissues, hand sanitizers, a lunch box or winter wear for outside recesses, waiting for the schoolbus, and travel to and from school.


Where to Find School Supplies for Kindergarten

Many parents choose the convenience of ordering the school supplies that kindergarteners need online, as opposed to shopping at grocery stores, pharmacy chains, office supply stores and other brick-and-mortar retailers, as they often find that no single store can offer the variety of an online retailer that focuses on only selling school supplies.

GEDDES is one example of a one-stop shop that offers the complete range of kindergarten school supplies, delivering directly to the parent’s home. In additional to traditional school supplies, like those mentioned above, the online school supply store prides itself on providing the most unique, fun, and cute school supplies online — especially for those new kindergarteners in our lives!

Kindergarten can be a fun and incredibly enriching experience for both kindergarteners and their parents. But that first year of “real” school can bring a lot of unknowns and uncertainty. At GEDDES, we want to remove any anxiety that might come from that first day of school and make sure that it’s also fun.

Watch your kindergarten students’ eyes light up as you hand him or her supplies that they’ve never seen before, that they’ve never even dreamed were possible. That’s when school becomes fun for the kindergartener!


Looking for school supplies for your kindergartener? Visit the GEDDES School Supply Online Store and outfit your child’s list of kindergarten school supplies with fun and spontaneity, no matter what your teacher’s school supply list requires!