Revenue generated from the school store can be used for any number of purposes, from general funding for the school to reinvesting in the store itself. One school in Cleveland has created a unique initiative for the funding from its school store that rewards successful students.
Cleveland High School, set up the Raider Trader scholarship from a portion of the profits at its school store. The scholarship is awarded to business and marketing students who excel in an entrepreneurship course. The school looked at their work in the course along with their overall GPA, volunteer hours at the store, and general work ethic and leadership skills. Two seniors were awarded $500 Raider Trader scholarships, and another senior a $250 award, all of which came straight from the school store!
The school also uses profits from the school store to finance course projects, field trips, and reinvesting in the store itself. The store, which generates between $200-$300 in profit per week, hopes to add iPad checkout stations next year in order to facilitate the sales process and automate documentation. Read the full story for more information on how this high school is using the profits from its school store.
Are you interested in setting up a store in your school? Any time is a good time to start your own school store, and with a new school year just beginning, a new school store is a great way to get the students excited and generate revenue for your school. It's a win win! To learn more about setting up a store in your school, check out our school store academy. With resources from the first steps in starting your school store, to personalizing, training, fundraising and more, everything you need to know about running a school store is right here. Be sure to check out our school store lesson plans to learn how to use the school store to improve students' math skills through lessons in handling money, graphing, equations, and more. And of course, you can get everything you need to stock your school store from Raymond Geddes!