Tips for Holding a Great Reading Event

Read Across America is a great event that encourages students, teachers, parents, and community members nationwide to pick up a book and share their love of reading together. Any school can participate by holding a reading event. The official Read Across America day is Monday, March 3rd, but schools can choose to hold events the week before or after as well. These tips from the National Education Association will help your school hold its best reading event yet.

Team Up With Local NEA Partners

Read Across America has more than 50 partners nationwide, including the American Library Association and Youth Service America. Chances are good that one of these partners is close to you.

Spread the Word

Community outreach can make your reading event one for the books (if you’ll pardon the pun). There are lots of great ways to get the community involved. Ask local businesses and organizations for book donations. Ask the local government if they would issue a proclamation declaring the day of the event a municipal reading day. See if local radio stations would read or broadcast from your school.

Guest Readers

Bringing in guest readers is a great way to get kids excited. Ask around to see if prominent local figures would be interested in guest reading. Kids will love seeing hometown heros like sports stars or musicians read to them. Local authors and parents also make great guest readers.


These are just a few ways to make your school’s reading event a special experience that kids won’t forget. Check out this list from the NEA’s website for more ideas!