We spend a lot of time visiting schools and we’ve heard a wide array of concerns and fears that prevent people from opening a store.

You decide how much space your store should take up.

Let's tackle some of these concerns. Very simply, always remember that you CAN have a school store because YOU ARE IN CONTROL!

Myth #1 - I don’t have the space!

This is perhaps the most common reason people cite as a reason not to start their store. The beauty of a school store is that it can take up as little or as much space as you have! Whether it’s a cart that’s wheeled out in the morning or a dedicated location, we have seen stores of all shapes and sizes.

We’ve seen school stores of all shapes and sizes. Check out our list of “Awesome School Stores”. These are real customers!


Myth #2 - It’s such a distraction!

A lot of teachers and administrators are concerned that the items sold in school stores can turn into a classroom distraction. However, with Geddes YOU pick what you sell. We have everything from very basic supplies to extremely novel and fun items. You can easily cater your selections to the age group you are serving and the atmosphere of your school.


Myth #3 - We don’t have the resources to operate a store!

Plenty of parents would be willing to volunteer at your school store. We’ve seen it! Plus, students can be very responsible. Showing up on time, setting up the store, running it, and closing it down are all tasks within their grasp. You can often get by with just one adult supervisor.


Myth #4 - Our school cannot afford to purchase merchandise!

Not a problem! Geddes extends 30 day credit terms to all schools. Buy your merchandise from us on terms, sell it at your store, keep your profits, and pay us back! Learn more about our Buy Now, Pay Later Program.


Myth #5 - I don’t have the time!

We hear this all the time too. Another great feature of the school store is that you can run it as frequently or infrequently as you are able. From stores that are open every day/all day to those that open once a quarter, we see successful stores with all kinds of operating hours. We’ve even seen stores that are only open during back-to-school time, experiencing all of the benefit is a school store brings while still turning a profit.

You choose how often your store is open.

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